What are opinions? You may ask. Simply thoughts on any given subject that may be based in reality or not, and supposedly cannot be"right" or "wrong" although from a logical standpoint many quite clearly are one or the other, even sometimes somewhere in between.
Let me just say up front that in my honest OPINION there is absolutely nothing inherently "wrong" with hunting.
As I have said in previous posts humans are in fact highly carnivorous predators and have been throughout much of their history, and thus hunting was largely a way of life for many and still is for some to this day.
Admittedly few if any people in the U.S. these days require real animal pelts for warmth, and no one perhaps "needs" a bearskin rug or trophy head in their house, not to mention bears are not as an efficient source of meat as say large ruminants (deer, elk, etc) Though they do taste pretty good ;).
When you get down to the most basic of truths however you find that the government has specific hunting laws in place to allow for an animal population to remain stable (in many case quite high) This coupled with illegal poaching, which is very prevalent in some places makes you see from a purely realistic standpoint that populations of various wildlife show no signs of dwindling down to numbers that cannot be sustained for the long haul. This includes black bear in the state of Connecticut.
The facts at hand when looked at objectively show that there is nothing "wrong" with hunting bear in the state or any wildlife anywhere, when legally done so that is. But depending on the perspective of the individual, folks’ opinions will vary widely on the subject, which is why I invite you now more than ever to send me your opinions in the comment section.
I will read and I will respond.
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